

Schneider Downs is a 匹兹堡 (PA) based Certified Public Accounting (CPA) Firm that serves clients in 华盛顿特区. We focus our services for high net worth business owners 和 those with significant cross border activities. Our experienced team of international 税 accountants 和 consultants is ready to address your international business needs. The international 税 l和scape is continually changing 和 presents new challenges, 国内外. This reality means that international businesses 和 investors need to stay updated with the various filing rules 和 requirements. 使事情更加严重, there are often substantial penalties for those who fail to comply or are found to have been willfully neglectful. 结果是, it is important to carefully assess international business activities to ensure the appropriate compliance 和 税 planning steps are taken.

华盛顿特区 国际营业税 bet9平台游戏

  • Initial structuring, capitalization 和 entity selection for U.S. 国外经营
  • 转让定价研究
  • 加拿大/美国.S. 跨境税务问题
  • 墨西哥/ U.S. 跨境税务问题
  • Direct 和 indirect foreign 税 credit opportunities
  • IC-DISC – Utilizing domestic international sales 公司
  • 收益汇回计划
  • Reorganizations involving foreign 公司 和 foreign-owned U.S. 公司
  • Transactional analysis 和 support services including due diligence
  • U.S. 税 compliance 和 planning for inbound businesses 和 their employees
  • 外籍/本地税务事宜


We are a Top 60 CPA 和 咨询 firm serving the accounting, 企业家的审计和税务需求, for-profit 和 not-for profit organizations. We work with thous和s of clients located in the U.S.美国、加拿大、墨西哥以及全球各地.  Our firm has been consistently ranked a Top 60 CPA firm in the U.S. 办事处设在 华盛顿D.C.匹兹堡(宾夕法尼亚州)和哥伦布(俄亥俄州). We are a member of Prime Global 和 the international professional association of over 300 independent accounting 和 咨询 firms. 


Nestled along the banks of the Potomac River, 华盛顿特区.C.商业界 radiates a unique blend of political influence, cultural significance, 和 economic vitality. Rooted in its role as the nation’s capital, the city’s economic l和scape reflects a diverse array of industries 和 institutions that shape not only national policy but also global commerce.

其核心是华盛顿特区.C. is renowned for its role as the epicenter of government 和 politics, 集中了联邦机构, 外交使团, 倡导组织. The presence of these institutions not only drives dem和 for professional services such as law, 咨询, 和 lobbying but also fosters a robust ecosystem of research, 智库, 政策分析.


We also offer international 税 和 咨询 services to businesses in 亚特兰大(GA), 波士顿(MA), 芝加哥(IL), 达拉斯(TX), 休斯顿(TX), 洛杉矶(加州); 纽约市(NY), 华盛顿特区克利夫兰(哦), 费城(PA), St. 路易(MO),  迈阿密(FL), 和 里士满(VA).

Contact Our 华盛顿特区 国际营业税 Accountants

Schneider Downs is a Top 60 CPA firm that specializes in serving the international accounting 和 税 needs of businesses in 华盛顿特区 在整个美国.S. If you have questions or would like additional information on how we can help you, please complete the form to the right 和 a team member will promptly follow up with you.


为了更好的bet9平台游戏我们的客户, 在当前时间, we are focusing on businesses with recurring needs.


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华盛顿特区 Exports, Export Categories, 和 Top Export Partners


每一刻都很重要. 紧急请求, contact the Schneider Downs digital forensics 和 incident response team at 1-800-993-8937. For all other requests, please complete the form below.


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